Meet the owners.




About us:

Meet Caleb and Jordan, the dynamic duo behind our journey.

Nearly a decade ago, these two kindred spirits crossed paths in the vibrant city of Asheville, NC.

They believe cultivating strong relationships isn't just a business mantra—it's a way of life.

Together, they are driven by a collective vision: to create a space where community thrives, and individuals are empowered to reach their fullest potential.

At our core, we believe that the hemp industry has the power to uplift and unite.

Through education, advocacy, and meaningful partnerships, we strive to break down barriers and foster a culture of inclusivity and acceptance.

From seed to sale, every aspect of our operation is guided by principles of integrity, sustainability, and social responsibility.

As advocates for change, Caleb and Jordan are committed to leveraging their platform to make a positive impact.

They are dedicated to driving meaningful change within their community and beyond.

Join us on this journey of discovery, exploration, and empowerment.

Together, we can cultivate a brighter, more compassionate future—one bud at a time.

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